Inspiring a Community

Under the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Yissocher Dov Eichenstien shlita, Mercaz Torah U’Tefilla has developed into a burgeoning Torah center for Baltimore’s Jewish Community. Fostering growth in Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chassodim, the community center at Mercaz Torah U’Tefilla has become a key resource for Torah guidance and inspiration, with multiple minyanim, abundant shiurim and numerous communal initiatives.


Weekly Email

Parnas HaYom

Important Parking/Driving Notice

As we are now in the new building everyone must understand the importance of adhering to the parking/driving rules and laws in the shul vicinity. Please follow these important guidelines:

  • There are many signs  installed on the street around the shul. Follow all posted signs!
  • On Baythorne Rd., do not park beyond where the shul property line ends. Both sides of the street!
  • On Green Meadow Pkwy., do not park beyond where the old shul property line ends. House side only!
  • Do not not make U-turns. Take the extra moment to drive around the block
  • Follow the 25 mph speed limit.

There is plenty of parking on the far side of Green Meadow. Please park there even if it means taking a few extra steps!

We beg everyone to follow these basic guidelines and thank everyone for their cooperation and responsibility of understanding the sensitivities of our neighbors. Additionally, please be respectful of those who are tasked with the unenviable position of overseeing that these guidelines are followed.